Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika Berbasis Saintifik

  • Budi Ani Fatmawati Pascasarjana IAIN Salatiga
Keywords: Development, Teaching Materials, Scientific Approach


This research is a Research and Development (R&D). The objection of this research is to create an interesting Mathematic Teaching Material based on the scientific approach. The method to develop the teaching material uses the steps of research and development that developed by Dick and Carry. It is used to be called the ADDIE development. The steps of the development are Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The technique to analyze the data uses descriptive qualitative. The instrument used in this research include the guidelines to interview, the scoring of teaching material, and the questionnaire of students’ responses to ward the interesting of teaching material. The results of the research based on the assessment by material experts and media experts, that the appropriateness of the mathematics teaching materials based on the scientific approach gets a very valid and includes an excellent category with a percentage of ideality of 86.67% and appropriate to be used as the source of learning in the classroom. Based on data processing the results of the questionnaire responses of students showed that the average number of scores was 32.94. The results of the students response values were converted to a table of the frequency distribution of student responses 32.5 <32.94 <40, it can be concluded that the students' responses to the attractiveness of mathematics teaching materials based on the scientific approach were very positive. The practicality of teaching materials based on student responses, it can be concluded that mathematics teaching materials based on scientific approaches are very practical to use.


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