• Utui Tatang Suntani Mahasiswa Program Studi Doktor Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Bengkulu
  • Hadiwinarto Universitas Bengkulu
Keywords: Write Poetry Texts, Learning Models, Cognitive Styles


The research aims to describe the differences in the ability to write poetry texts between students who study with free inquiry learning models and guided inquiry, between students who have independent field cognitive fields with dependent fields, describe the effect of interactions between learning models and cognitive styles on the ability to write poetry text, differences in the ability to write poetry texts between students who have independent field cognitive styles who study with free inquiry models with guided inquiry, and so do students who have field dependent cognitive styles. This study used a 2 x 2 factorial design experimental method. The study population was all students of class X MIPA SMA Negeri 2 Lahat. The experimental sample consisted of two classes, namely class X MIPA 4 as an experimental class and X MIPA 1 as a control class, each of which amounted to 36 students. Data collection instruments are performance tests and GEFT tests. Hypothesis testing uses two-way analysis of variance (Anava). The results showed that (1) The ability to write poetry text of students with a free inquiry learning model is no different from guided inquiry. (2) The ability to write poetry text in independent field cognitive style is higher than field dependent. (3) There is an interaction effect between the learning model and cognitive style on the ability to write poetry texts. (4) The ability to write poetry text in the field of independent cognitive style students and given a free inquiry model is higher than guided inquiry. (5) The ability to write poetry texts of students who have a field dependent cognitive style and are given a free inquiry learning model are not different from guided inquiry.


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