Application Of Academic Supervision Models To Improve Teacher Responsibility And Performance In Learning

(Study On Physical Education Teacher At Sman 2 Lahat)

  • Tri Turnadi Mahasiswa Program Studi Doktor Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Bengkulu
  • Hadiwinarto Universitas Bengkulu
Keywords: Application Of The Supervision Model, Responsibility, Performance.


This study aims to describe the application of the supervision model to improve the responsibility and performance of teachers in learning. This research uses the school action research method and quasi exprement. The subject of this study is the physical eduction teacher of SMAN 2 Lahat who teacher in class X, XI and XII, with 36 student class in the 2019/2020 schoool year. Data collection methods in this study use teacher observasion sheets in carrying out the learning process. Analysis of research data using descriptive statistics tha is the mean ( mean) of the results of the academic suoervision model to improve the responsibility and performance of teachers in learning in improving understanding, and professionalism of teachers in the implementation of learning process.


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